Thursday, December 15, 2011

Komli's ATOM - Online Marketer's Dream Come True?

The new year's party got Real Time for the online marketers with the launch of Komli's Real Time Bidding (RTB) engine ATOM

I met Satish Kadu, VP and Business Head, ATOM, Komli Media few months back when he came to take my feedback and an advertiser's perspective on what advertisers would want to do with an online advertising and automation engine. I shared a lot of pain points and also summarized that I want to do the most effective 1-to-1 online marketing with the lowest possible cost while I can continue to scale the campaign up. Satish said, he is very happy with the feedback and he chuckled as he knew he is already onto something as big and powerful as Real Time Bidding engine ATOM. Now, hopefully, I will be able to deliver my promise of 1 to 1 marketing at a mass scale with real time bidding, impression by impression for my Display advertising campaigns.

I have always wanted to optimize my online display campaigns and due to the poor visibility into the campaigns, always wondered how to cut wasteful impressions, my sincere hope is that ATOM should be helpful on implementing the same. We have learnt, optimized and perfected the science of search marketing. We have been able to build models and deliver real performance on search networks as keyword level optimization and keyword level bidding was much easier. However, on Display side, the existing solutions have suffered and even till now they require a lot of manual intervention.

Though, I am yet to see the technical and finer details on implementing the campaigns and seeing how much automation can be brought into the campaigns, however, I am impressed by what I hear. And as Satish likes to put it: "With RTB enabled auction based media buying, the science of search advertising is coming to display advertising, driving quantum leap in effectiveness for display campaigns.  Advertisers are able to selectively buy audiences and impressions that matter, and pay exactly what the impression is worth."

Look forward to meeting with my business colleagues and DEMOing the RTB ATOM.

Download the Press Release here.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hair Raising Story of a Blogger

Hair Raising Story of a Blogger

I specially created this picture to appeal to Dove to make Hair Care Products which are easy to use and can help cure male alopecia. And this picture was dedicated to the Dove All Women's Blogger Meet #DoveSpa, where men are not invited :-).

Jokes aside, two of my friends Vineet Rajan and Renie Revin have dedicated their heart and soul to build a brilliant community of Indian Bloggers i.e.  This post was to talk to fellow marketers out there who have run blogger contests and get some feedback on how well it works?

What objectives do you want to achieve from such contests or offline connect programs?
What challenges you see?
What contributes to success?

Any expectation on outcomes of such activities?

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Google chops off Indian Head - Jammu Kashmir off the map

Oops they did it again! A screenshot from Google's Analytics software says it all...

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